Embroider a new sweetie to cuddle up with when you stitch this adorable Beagle dog breed ITH stuffie embroidery design! This design is stitched out entirely in the hoop with only a small amount of hand sewing required at the end to close the turning seam and attach the optional tail. This stuffie makes a great gift for any Beagle or dog lovers! 

You will receive two sizes of this design, one fits a 5×7 or larger hoop and one fits a 6×10 or larger hoop. Stretchy fabrics such as fleece are recommended for the 5×7 size for easier turning but not required! 

Design Sizes:

  • 5×7 
  • 6×10 

The Beagle stuffie formats included are:

  • HUS
  • PES
  • JEF
  • VIP
  • XXX
  • DST
  • EXP

An instructional PDF is included for the stuffie with both the written steps AND a step-by-step image chart. 

You may use the final product that comes from the design for both personal AND small commercial uses.